
Muscle Skin Data processing

How do we process the data for muscle and skin to something we can start running through categoryCompare?

options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)


Get the raw data in (this should actually be on GEO, but doesn't seem to be there yet)

currLoc <- getwd()
dataLoc <- "/mlab/data/rmflight/Documents/projects/work/Petruska/drg_sc_skin_denervation/Skin/"

attFile <- "Sample information file.txt"
dataAttributes <- read.table(attFile, sep = "\t", header = T)
dataAttributes$timePoint <- 0
dataAttributes$timePoint[(dataAttributes$Time == "7 day")] <- 7
dataAttributes$timePoint[(dataAttributes$Time == "14 day")] <- 14

celData <- ReadAffy(phenoData = dataAttributes)
skinData <- rma(celData)

.sessionInfo <- sessionInfo()
.timeDate <- Sys.time()
save(skinData, .sessionInfo, .timeDate, file = "inst/data/skin_rma_data.RData")


muscleData <- getGEO(GEO = "GSE4411")[[1]]

controlSamples <- grep("Control", pData(muscleData)$title)
muscleData <- muscleData[, controlSamples]

tmpP <- pData(muscleData)
tmpP$innervation <- "innervated"
denLoc <- grep("Denervated", tmpP$title)
tmpP$innervation[denLoc] <- "denervated"
pData(muscleData) <- tmpP
.sessionInfo <- sessionInfo()
.timeDate <- Sys.time()
save(muscleData, .sessionInfo, .timeDate, file = "inst/data/muscle_data.RData")

Gene Lists

For both the skin and muscle data sets, we will calculate the p-values using limma. We will probably attempt to do both hypergeometric enrichment and GSEA.

Do not forget that these are from different organisms. Skin: rat, muscle: mouse.

Skin Gene Lists and Enrichment

## Loading required package:

skinComps <- c("T7 - T0", "T14 - T0")
geneID <- unlist(mget(featureNames(skinData), rat2302ENTREZID))

skinExpr <- exprs(skinData)
skinCollapse <- collapseProbes(skinExpr, geneID)  # collapse to single genes using median of expression
skinCharacter <- pData(skinData)
skinCharacter$timePoint2 <- paste("T", skinCharacter$timePoint, sep = "")

skinFC <- rankGenes(skinCollapse, skinCharacter$timePoint2, skinComps, doAggregation = FALSE, 
    aggregateIndex = NA)
names(skinFC) <- c("T7", "T14")

skinDiff <- lapply(skinFC, getDiffGenes, id = "id")
rnGO <- as.list(org.Rn.egGO2ALLEGS)
rnGO <- rnGO[(Ontology(names(rnGO)) == "BP")]
rnGO <- lapply(rnGO, unique)

skinSet <- symbols2indices(rnGO, rownames(skinCollapse))
skinStatus <- skinCharacter$timePoint2
f <- factor(skinStatus)
skinDesign <- model.matrix(~0 + f)
colnames(skinDesign) <- levels(f)

skinContrast <- makeContrasts(contrasts = skinComps, levels = skinDesign)

save(list = ls(), file = "runSkinRomer.RData")
options(mc.cores = 12)  # at least if we are on hera
t1 <- Sys.time()
skinRomer <- multicontrastRomer(skinSet, skinCollapse, skinDesign, skinContrast, 
    nrot = 10000)
names(skinRomer) <- c("T7", "T14")
save(skinRomer, file = "inst/data/skinRomer.RData")
t2 <- Sys.time()
difftime(t2, t1)

Run using geneSetTest

options(mc.cores = 12)  # at least if we are on hera
t1 <- Sys.time()
skinGeneSetTest <- lapply(skinFC, function(x) {
    mmGeneSetTest(skinSet, x$t)

t2 <- Sys.time()
difftime(t2, t1)
save(skinGeneSetTest, t1, t2, file = "inst/data/skinGeneSetTest.RData")

Muscle Gene Lists and Enrichment

## Loading required package:

muscleComps <- c("denervated - innervated")
geneID <- unlist(mget(featureNames(muscleData), mouse4302ENTREZID))

muscleExpr <- exprs(muscleData)
muscleCollapse <- collapseProbes(muscleExpr, geneID)  # collapse to single genes using median of expression
muscleCharacter <- pData(muscleData)

muscleFC <- rankGenes(muscleCollapse, muscleCharacter$innervation, muscleComps, 
    doAggregation = FALSE, aggregateIndex = NA)
names(muscleFC) <- "denervation"

muscleDiff <- lapply(muscleFC, getDiffGenes, id = "id")
mmGO <- as.list(org.Mm.egGO2ALLEGS)
mmGO <- mmGO[(Ontology(names(mmGO)) == "BP")]
mmGO <- lapply(mmGO, unique)

muscleSet <- symbols2indices(mmGO, rownames(muscleCollapse))
muscleStatus <- muscleCharacter$innervation
f <- factor(muscleStatus)
muscleDesign <- model.matrix(~0 + f)
colnames(muscleDesign) <- levels(f)

muscleContrast <- makeContrasts(contrasts = muscleComps, levels = muscleDesign)

save(muscleSet, muscleCollapse, muscleDesign, muscleContrast, mmGO, muscleFC, 
    file = "runMuscleRomer.RData")
options(mc.cores = 12)  # at least if we are on hera
t1 <- Sys.time()
muscleRomer <- multicontrastRomer(muscleSet, muscleCollapse, muscleDesign, muscleContrast, 
    nrot = 10000)
names(muscleRomer) <- "denervation"
save(muscleRomer, file = "inst/data/muscleRomer.RData")
t2 <- Sys.time()
difftime(t2, t1)

Compare Skin and Muscle


bothGO <- union(names(rnGO), names(mmGO))
combMapping <- lapply(bothGO, function(inName) {
    isMM <- inName %in% names(mmGO)
    isRN <- inName %in% names(rnGO)

    tmpGene <- character(0)

    if (isMM) {
        tmpGene <- c(tmpGene, mmGO[[inName]])
    if (isRN) {
        tmpGene <- c(tmpGene, rnGO[[inName]])
    tmpGene <- unique(tmpGene)

names(combMapping) <- bothGO

geneAnnMapping <- new("namedList", .Data = combMapping, names = names(combMapping))

getSigID <- function(inRomer, pCut = 0.05, whichCol = c("Up", "Down")) {
    sigID <- lapply(whichCol, function(inCol) {
        rownames(inRomer[(inRomer[, inCol] <= pCut), ])
    names(sigID) <- whichCol

muscleSigRomer <- lapply(muscleRomer, getSigID, pCut = 0.01)
muscleSigRomer <- unlist(muscleSigRomer, recursive = FALSE)
names(muscleSigRomer) <- c("muscle.Up", "muscle.Down")

skinSigRomer <- lapply(skinRomer, getSigID, pCut = 0.01)
skinSigRomer <- unlist(skinSigRomer, recursive = FALSE)

allSigRomer <- c(skinSigRomer, muscleSigRomer)

genCCSigList <- function(inSig) {
    tmp <- new("ccSigList", sigID = inSig)

allCCSig <- lapply(allSigRomer, genCCSigList)

allCCRomer <- new("GENccEnrichResult", allCCSig, categoryName = "GSEAGO", geneAnnMapping = geneAnnMapping, 
    overlapType = "overlap", annDescription = Term(names(geneAnnMapping)))

allRomerOpts <- new("ccOptions", listNames = names(allCCRomer), colorType = "pie")
compareSMRomer <- ccCompare(allCCRomer, allRomerOpts)
## Warning:
## '/mlab/data/rmflight/Documents/projects/work/ccPaper/vignettes/pieGraphs'
## already exists
## Annotation category:  GSEAGO    
## Main graph: A graphNEL graph with directed edges
## Number of Nodes = 563 
## Number of Edges = 22155
save(compareSMRomer, allRomerOpts, file = "skinMuscleCompare.RData")
compareSMRomer <- breakEdges(compareSMRomer, 0.8)
cwSM <- ccOutCyt(compareSMRomer, allRomerOpts, postText = "GSEAGO", rpcPort = 9001)
.sessionInfo <- sessionInfo()
.timeDate <- Sys.time()
save(cwSM, compareSMRomer, allRomerOpts, .sessionInfo, .timeDate, file = "inst/data/skinMuscleCompareOutput.RData")

Get out the groups of related GO terms:

smNodes <- cytOutNodes("typeII hypersensitivity - T7.Up", cwSM)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("pH and lysosome regulation - Skin.T7.Down,Skin.T14.Up,Muscle.Up", 
    cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("Neurotransmitter secretion and transport - Skin.T7.Down,Skin.T14.Up", 
    cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("entry into host and movement - Skin.T7.Up", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("steriod biosynthesis - Skin.T7.Down", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("microtubule organization - Skin.T7.Up,Skin.T14.Down", 
    cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("cellular respiration - Skin.T14.Down,Muscle.Down", cwSM, 
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("epithelial tube branching - Skin.T7.Down,Skin.T14.Up", 
    cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("rRNA processing - Muscle.Up", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("digestion - Skin.T14.Up", cwWM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("digestion - Skin.T14.Up", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("response to virus - Skin.T7.Up", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("purine metabolism - Muscle.Down", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("protein localization in mitochondrion - Skin.T14.Down", 
    cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("synapse assembly and nervous system development - Skin.T14.Up", 
    cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("folic acid compound metabolism - Skin.T14.Up", cwSM, 
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("retinoic acid biosynthesis - Skin.T14.Up", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("mitotic spindle assembly - Skin.T7.Up", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("regulation of phospholipase C - Muscle.Down", cwSM, 
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("acetyl CoA biosynthesis - Skin.T14.Down,Muscle.Down", 
    cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("response to glucose - Skin.T7.Down, Muscle.Down", cwSM, 
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("response to VEGF - Muscle.Down", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("mitotic cell cycle checkpoint - Skin.T7.Down,Skin.T14.Down,Muscle.Up", 
    cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("urea cycle - Skin.T14.Up", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("response to prostaglandin - Skin.T14.Up", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("keratinocyte migration - Skin.T14.Up", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("atp biosynthesis - Skin.T7.Down,Skin.T14.Down,Muscle.Down", 
    cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("membrane repolarization - Muscle.Down", cwSM, smNodes)
smNOdes <- cytOutNodes("muscle contraction and development - Skin.T7.Down,Skin.T14.Down,Muscle.Down", 
    cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("muscle contraction and development - Skin.T7.Down,Skin.T14.Down,Muscle.Down", 
    cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("muscle contraction and development - Skin.T7.Down,Skin.T14.Down,Muscle.Down", 
    cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("blood vessel endothelial cell differentiation - Skin.T7.Up,Skin.T14.Up", 
    cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("endocrine regulation of blood pressure - Skin.T7.Down,Skin.T14.Up", 
    cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("tube development - Skin.T7.Down,Muscle.Up", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("amino acid transport - Skin.T14.Up", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("cation channel activity - Skin.T14.Down", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("interferon gamma response - Skin.T14.Down", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("lung cell differentiation - Skin.T7.Down", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("neg regulation of astrocyte diff. - Skin.T7.Down", cwSM, 
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("fear response - Skin.T7.Down", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("N acetylglucosamine metabolism - Skin.T7.Up", cwSM, 
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("proteoglycan biosynthesis - Skin.T7.Up", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("carbohydrate catabolism - Muscle.Down", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("response to muscle activity - Skin.T14.Down,Muscle.Down", 
    cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("response to indole 3 methanol - Muscle.Up", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("negative regulation of response to granulocyte / myeloid cell diff. - Skin.T7.Up,Muscle.Up", 
    cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("vitamin metabolism - Skin.T14.Up,Muscle.Up", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("DNA break repair - Muscle.Up", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("calcineurin NFAT signaling cascade - Skin.T14.Down", 
    cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("histone demethylation - Skin.T14.Down", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("negative regulation of Ras signal transduction - Skin.T14.Down", 
    cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("positive regulation of metalloenzyme activity - Skin.T14.Down", 
    cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("glucocorticoid receptor signaling pathway - Skin.T14.Down", 
    cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("mesenchymal cell diff in kidney / renal system dev. - Skin.T14.Up", 
    cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("axon extension - Skin.T14.Up", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("lung lobe dev. and morphogenesis - Skin.T14.Up", cwSM, 
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("embryonic digestive tract dev. and morphogenesis - Skin.T14.Up", 
    cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("negative regulation of protein transport - Skin.T7.Up,Skin.T14.Up", 
    cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("phosphate ion transport - Skin.T14.Up", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("fluid transport - Skin.T7.Down,Skin.T14.Up", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("fluid secretion - Skin.T14.Up", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("interleukin 13 production - Skin.T14.Up", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("glia guided migration - Skin.T14.Up", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("central nervous system maturation - Skin.T14.Up", cwSM, 
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("bile acid transport - Skin.T14.Up", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("positive regulation of muscle cell apoptosis - Skin.T14.Up", 
    cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("atrioventricular valve dev. and morphogenesis - Skin.T14.Up,Muscle.Down", 
    cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("dopamine transport - Skin.T7.Down", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("collateral sprouting - Skin.T7.Down", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("response to osmotic stress - Skin.T7.Down", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("positive regulation of epidermal growth factor signaling - Skin.T7.Down", 
    cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("response to leptin - Skin.T7.Down", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("catecholamin biosynthesis - Skin.T7.Down", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("negative regulation of cell junction assembly - Skin.T7.Up", 
    cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("endocardial cell differentiation - Skin.T7.Up", cwSM, 
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("sequestering of actin monomers - Skin.T7.Up", cwSM, 
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("beta amyloid formation - Skin.T7.Up", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("response to platelet derived growth factor stimulus - Skin.T7.Up", 
    cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("lipopolysaccharid biosynthesis - Skin.T7.Up", cwSM, 
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("aminoglycan metabolism - Skin.T7.Up", cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("epithelial to mesenchymal transition, endocardial cushion formation - Skin.T7.Up", 
    cwSM, smNodes)
smNodes <- cytOutNodes("pulmonary valve dev. and morphogenesis - Skin.T7.Up", 
    cwSM, smNodes)
.sessionInfo <- sessionInfo()
.timeDate <- Sys.time()
save(smNodes, cwSM, allCCRomer, allRomerOpts, compareSMRomer, file = "inst/data/skinMuscleCCOutput.RData")

Lets generate a couple of different tables for output.


allDescStrings <- sapply(smNodes, function(x) {
string2List <- strsplit(allDescStrings, " - ", fixed = TRUE)
justDesc <- sapply(string2List, function(x) {
listMem <- sapply(string2List, function(x) {
listMem[1] <- "Skin.T7.Up"  # fix an error in the initial setup
listMemSplit <- strsplit(listMem, ",", fixed = TRUE)

descMembershipTable <- matrix("", nrow = length(allDescStrings), ncol = 7)
colnames(descMembershipTable) <- c("Description", "Skin.T7.Down", "Skin.T7.Up", 
    "Skin.T14.Down", "Skin.T14.Up", "Muscle.Down", "Muscle.Up")

descMembershipTable[, "Description"] <- justDesc

for (inRow in seq(1, nrow(descMembershipTable))) {
    useSplit <- listMemSplit[[inRow]]
    trimSplit <- gsub(" ", "", useSplit)
    descMembershipTable[inRow, trimSplit] <- "X"

orderBy <- c("Skin.T7.Down,Skin.T14.Down,Muscle.Down", "Skin.T7.Down,Skin.T14.Down,Muscle.Up", 
    "Skin.T7.Down,Skin.T14.Down", "Skin.T7.Down,Skin.T14.Up,Muscle.Up", "Skin.T7.Down,Skin.T14.Up", 
    "Skin.T7.Down,Muscle.Up", "Skin.T7.Down,Muscle.Down", "Skin.T7.Down", "Skin.T7.Up,Skin.T14.Down", 
    "Skin.T7.Up,Skin.T14.Up", "Skin.T7.Up,Muscle.Up", "Skin.T7.Up", "Skin.T14.Down,Muscle.Down", 
    "Skin.T14.Down", "Skin.T14.Up,Muscle.Down", "Skin.T14.Up,Muscle.Up", "Skin.T14.Up", 
    "Muscle.Down", "Muscle.Up")

listMem <- gsub(" ", "", listMem)
newOrder <- unlist(lapply(orderBy, function(x) {
    which(listMem %in% x)

descMembershipTable <- descMembershipTable[newOrder, ]
## Loading required package: xtable

# add an html link to each entry in the table
useLink <- paste("<a href=\"#loc", seq(1, nrow(descMembershipTable)), "\">", 
    descMembershipTable[, "Description"], "</a>", sep = "")
descMembershipTable[, "Description"] <- useLink

Print out the table.

Description Skin.T7.Down Skin.T7.Up Skin.T14.Down Skin.T14.Up Muscle.Down Muscle.Up
atp biosynthesis X X X
muscle contraction and development X X X
mitotic cell cycle checkpoint X X X
pH and lysosome regulation X X X
Neurotransmitter secretion and transport X X
epithelial tube branching X X
endocrine regulation of blood pressure X X
fluid transport X X
tube development X X
response to glucose X X
steriod biosynthesis X
lung cell differentiation X
neg regulation of astrocyte diff. X
fear response X
dopamine transport X
collateral sprouting X
response to osmotic stress X
positive regulation of epidermal growth factor signaling X
response to leptin X
catecholamin biosynthesis X
microtubule organization X X
blood vessel endothelial cell differentiation X X
negative regulation of protein transport X X
negative regulation of response to granulocyte / myeloid cell diff. X X
typeII hypersensitivity X
entry into host and movement X
response to virus X
mitotic spindle assembly X
N acetylglucosamine metabolism X
proteoglycan biosynthesis X
negative regulation of cell junction assembly X
endocardial cell differentiation X
sequestering of actin monomers X
beta amyloid formation X
response to platelet derived growth factor stimulus X
lipopolysaccharid biosynthesis X
aminoglycan metabolism X
epithelial to mesenchymal transition, endocardial cushion formation X
pulmonary valve dev. and morphogenesis X
cellular respiration X X
acetyl CoA biosynthesis X X
response to muscle activity X X
protein localization in mitochondrion X
cation channel activity X
interferon gamma response X
calcineurin NFAT signaling cascade X
histone demethylation X
negative regulation of Ras signal transduction X
positive regulation of metalloenzyme activity X
glucocorticoid receptor signaling pathway X
atrioventricular valve dev. and morphogenesis X X
vitamin metabolism X X
digestion X
synapse assembly and nervous system development X
folic acid compound metabolism X
retinoic acid biosynthesis X
urea cycle X
response to prostaglandin X
keratinocyte migration X
amino acid transport X
mesenchymal cell diff in kidney / renal system dev. X
axon extension X
lung lobe dev. and morphogenesis X
embryonic digestive tract dev. and morphogenesis X
phosphate ion transport X
fluid secretion X
interleukin 13 production X
glia guided migration X
central nervous system maturation X
bile acid transport X
positive regulation of muscle cell apoptosis X
purine metabolism X
regulation of phospholipase C X
response to VEGF X
membrane repolarization X
carbohydrate catabolism X
rRNA processing X
response to indole 3 methanol X
DNA break repair X

We also want the set of GO terms, their descriptions, and list memberships so that the inquisitive mind can see how we generated the groups.

atp biosynthesis - Skin.T7.Down,Skin.T14.Down,Muscle.Down

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0009221 pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotide biosynthetic process X
GO:0009147 pyrimidine nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process X
GO:0043101 purine-containing compound salvage X
GO:0006221 pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthetic process X
GO:0009219 pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotide metabolic process X
GO:0009200 deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process X
GO:0006183 GTP biosynthetic process X
GO:0009263 deoxyribonucleotide biosynthetic process X
GO:0019692 deoxyribose phosphate metabolic process X
GO:0046131 pyrimidine ribonucleoside metabolic process X
GO:0009148 pyrimidine nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process X
GO:0009394 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolic process X
GO:0006228 UTP biosynthetic process X
GO:0006213 pyrimidine nucleoside metabolic process X
GO:0032261 purine nucleotide salvage X
GO:0009265 2'-deoxyribonucleotide biosynthetic process X
GO:0006220 pyrimidine nucleotide metabolic process X
GO:0072528 pyrimidine-containing compound biosynthetic process X
GO:0009264 deoxyribonucleotide catabolic process X
GO:0043173 nucleotide salvage X
GO:0072527 pyrimidine-containing compound metabolic process X
GO:0046385 deoxyribose phosphate biosynthetic process X
GO:0009262 deoxyribonucleotide metabolic process X
GO:0006754 ATP biosynthetic process X X
GO:0006818 hydrogen transport X
GO:0015992 proton transport X
GO:0032415 regulation of sodium:hydrogen antiporter activity X
GO:0009206 purine ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process X
GO:0009142 nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process X
GO:0046129 purine ribonucleoside biosynthetic process X
GO:0042455 ribonucleoside biosynthetic process X
GO:0015986 ATP synthesis coupled proton transport X
GO:0009168 purine ribonucleoside monophosphate biosynthetic process X
GO:1901659 glycosyl compound biosynthetic process X
GO:0009156 ribonucleoside monophosphate biosynthetic process X
GO:0009124 nucleoside monophosphate biosynthetic process X
GO:0009201 ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process X
GO:0042451 purine nucleoside biosynthetic process X
GO:0009145 purine nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process X
GO:0015985 energy coupled proton transport, down electrochemical gradient X
GO:0009127 purine nucleoside monophosphate biosynthetic process X
GO:0009163 nucleoside biosynthetic process X
GO:0006172 ADP biosynthetic process X


muscle contraction and development - Skin.T7.Down,Skin.T14.Down,Muscle.Down

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0048639 positive regulation of developmental growth X X
GO:1901862 negative regulation of muscle tissue development X X
GO:2001015 negative regulation of skeletal muscle cell differentiation X X
GO:0045843 negative regulation of striated muscle tissue development X
GO:0061049 cell growth involved in cardiac muscle cell development X
GO:0003298 physiological muscle hypertrophy X
GO:0060421 positive regulation of heart growth X
GO:0051154 negative regulation of striated muscle cell differentiation X
GO:0046622 positive regulation of organ growth X
GO:0060452 positive regulation of cardiac muscle contraction X
GO:0003301 physiological cardiac muscle hypertrophy X
GO:2000725 regulation of cardiac muscle cell differentiation X
GO:0045988 negative regulation of striated muscle contraction X
GO:0010832 negative regulation of myotube differentiation X
GO:0014889 muscle atrophy X
GO:2001014 regulation of skeletal muscle cell differentiation X
GO:0045661 regulation of myoblast differentiation X
GO:0014874 response to stimulus involved in regulation of muscle adaptation X
GO:0048641 regulation of skeletal muscle tissue development X
GO:1901861 regulation of muscle tissue development X
GO:0051153 regulation of striated muscle cell differentiation X
GO:0048747 muscle fiber development X
GO:0043501 skeletal muscle adaptation X
GO:0048634 regulation of muscle organ development X
GO:0055002 striated muscle cell development X
GO:0051147 regulation of muscle cell differentiation X
GO:0060297 regulation of sarcomere organization X
GO:0055001 muscle cell development X
GO:0014866 skeletal myofibril assembly X
GO:0016202 regulation of striated muscle tissue development X
GO:0048642 negative regulation of skeletal muscle tissue development X
GO:0045445 myoblast differentiation X
GO:0048742 regulation of skeletal muscle fiber development X
GO:0010830 regulation of myotube differentiation X
GO:0030240 skeletal muscle thin filament assembly X
GO:0048741 skeletal muscle fiber development X
GO:0048739 cardiac muscle fiber development X
GO:0014819 regulation of skeletal muscle contraction X
GO:0003012 muscle system process X
GO:0060048 cardiac muscle contraction X
GO:0006936 muscle contraction X


mitotic cell cycle checkpoint - Skin.T7.Down,Skin.T14.Down,Muscle.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0007095 mitotic G2 DNA damage checkpoint X X
GO:1901991 negative regulation of mitotic cell cycle phase transition X
GO:0007093 mitotic cell cycle checkpoint X


pH and lysosome regulation - Skin.T7.Down,Skin.T14.Up,Muscle.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0035751 regulation of lysosomal lumen pH X
GO:0006883 cellular sodium ion homeostasis X
GO:0051453 regulation of intracellular pH X
GO:0051452 intracellular pH reduction X
GO:0006885 regulation of pH X
GO:0055067 monovalent inorganic cation homeostasis X
GO:0030641 regulation of cellular pH X
GO:0045851 pH reduction X
GO:0007040 lysosome organization X


Neurotransmitter secretion and

transport - Skin.T7.Down,Skin.T14.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0006836 neurotransmitter transport X
GO:0007269 neurotransmitter secretion X
GO:0046928 regulation of neurotransmitter secretion X
GO:0016079 synaptic vesicle exocytosis X
GO:0001505 regulation of neurotransmitter levels X
GO:0048172 regulation of short-term neuronal synaptic plasticity X
GO:0051588 regulation of neurotransmitter transport X
GO:0050804 regulation of synaptic transmission X
GO:0048168 regulation of neuronal synaptic plasticity X
GO:0014056 regulation of acetylcholine secretion, neurotransmission X
GO:0032228 regulation of synaptic transmission, GABAergic X
GO:1901374 acetate ester transport X
GO:0051932 synaptic transmission, GABAergic X
GO:0014055 acetylcholine secretion, neurotransmission X
GO:0061526 acetylcholine secretion X
GO:0015870 acetylcholine transport X
GO:0032230 positive regulation of synaptic transmission, GABAergic X


epithelial tube branching - Skin.T7.Down,Skin.T14.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:2000018 regulation of male gonad development X
GO:1902338 negative regulation of apoptotic process involved in morphogenesis X
GO:2000242 negative regulation of reproductive process X
GO:0061046 regulation of branching involved in lung morphogenesis X
GO:0048754 branching morphogenesis of an epithelial tube X
GO:0060685 regulation of prostatic bud formation X
GO:2000241 regulation of reproductive process X
GO:0060441 epithelial tube branching involved in lung morphogenesis X


endocrine regulation of blood pressure - Skin.T7.Down,Skin.T14.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0032277 negative regulation of gonadotropin secretion X
GO:0032275 luteinizing hormone secretion X
GO:0046888 negative regulation of hormone secretion X
GO:0032274 gonadotropin secretion X
GO:0003081 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by renin-angiotensin X
GO:0001990 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by hormone X
GO:0050886 endocrine process X


fluid transport - Skin.T7.Down,Skin.T14.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0015840 urea transport X
GO:0042044 fluid transport X


tube development - Skin.T7.Down,Muscle.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0072009 nephron epithelium development X
GO:0061326 renal tubule development X
GO:0072080 nephron tubule development X
GO:0072079 nephron tubule formation X
GO:0072077 renal vesicle morphogenesis X


response to glucose - Skin.T7.Down, Muscle.Down

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0061178 regulation of insulin secretion involved in cellular response to glucose stimulus X
GO:0035773 insulin secretion involved in cellular response to glucose stimulus X
GO:0071333 cellular response to glucose stimulus X


steriod biosynthesis - Skin.T7.Down

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0090032 negative regulation of steroid hormone biosynthetic process X
GO:0006705 mineralocorticoid biosynthetic process X
GO:2000064 regulation of cortisol biosynthetic process X
GO:0032344 regulation of aldosterone metabolic process X
GO:0006704 glucocorticoid biosynthetic process X
GO:0042180 cellular ketone metabolic process X
GO:0034650 cortisol metabolic process X
GO:0010565 regulation of cellular ketone metabolic process X
GO:0042181 ketone biosynthetic process X
GO:0031946 regulation of glucocorticoid biosynthetic process X
GO:0031947 negative regulation of glucocorticoid biosynthetic process X
GO:0032341 aldosterone metabolic process X
GO:0032342 aldosterone biosynthetic process X
GO:0032347 regulation of aldosterone biosynthetic process X
GO:0008212 mineralocorticoid metabolic process X
GO:0034651 cortisol biosynthetic process X
GO:0032353 negative regulation of hormone biosynthetic process X
GO:0045939 negative regulation of steroid metabolic process X
GO:0031944 negative regulation of glucocorticoid metabolic process X
GO:0010894 negative regulation of steroid biosynthetic process X


lung cell differentiation - Skin.T7.Down

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0060487 lung epithelial cell differentiation X
GO:0060428 lung epithelium development X
GO:0060479 lung cell differentiation X


neg regulation of astrocyte diff. - Skin.T7.Down

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0048712 negative regulation of astrocyte differentiation X
GO:0048708 astrocyte differentiation X
GO:0048710 regulation of astrocyte differentiation X


fear response - Skin.T7.Down

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0002209 behavioral defense response X
GO:0042596 fear response X
GO:0001662 behavioral fear response X


dopamine transport - Skin.T7.Down

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0015872 dopamine transport X
GO:0051937 catecholamine transport X


collateral sprouting - Skin.T7.Down

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0048668 collateral sprouting X
GO:0048670 regulation of collateral sprouting X


response to osmotic stress - Skin.T7.Down

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0006970 response to osmotic stress X
GO:0047484 regulation of response to osmotic stress X


positive regulation of epidermal growth factor signaling - Skin.T7.Down

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0045741 positive regulation of epidermal growth factor-activated receptor activity X
GO:0045742 positive regulation of epidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathway X


response to leptin - Skin.T7.Down

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0044321 response to leptin stimulus X
GO:0044320 cellular response to leptin stimulus X


catecholamin biosynthesis - Skin.T7.Down

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0009713 catechol-containing compound biosynthetic process X
GO:0042423 catecholamine biosynthetic process X


microtubule organization - Skin.T7.Up,Skin.T14.Down

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0051016 barbed-end actin filament capping X
GO:0043242 negative regulation of protein complex disassembly X
GO:0007026 negative regulation of microtubule depolymerization X
GO:0043244 regulation of protein complex disassembly X
GO:1901880 negative regulation of protein depolymerization X
GO:0070507 regulation of microtubule cytoskeleton organization X
GO:0031112 positive regulation of microtubule polymerization or depolymerization X


blood vessel endothelial cell differentiation - Skin.T7.Up,Skin.T14.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0060842 arterial endothelial cell differentiation X
GO:0060837 blood vessel endothelial cell differentiation X
GO:0001570 vasculogenesis X
GO:0035912 dorsal aorta morphogenesis X
GO:0061384 heart trabecula morphogenesis X
GO:0061383 trabecula morphogenesis X
GO:0045746 negative regulation of Notch signaling pathway X
GO:0008593 regulation of Notch signaling pathway X
GO:0007219 Notch signaling pathway X


negative regulation of protein transport - Skin.T7.Up,Skin.T14.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0090317 negative regulation of intracellular protein transport X
GO:0046826 negative regulation of protein export from nucleus X


negative regulation of response to granulocyte / myeloid cell diff. - Skin.T7.Up,Muscle.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0030853 negative regulation of granulocyte differentiation X
GO:0045638 negative regulation of myeloid cell differentiation X


typeII hypersensitivity - T7.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0001794 type IIa hypersensitivity X
GO:0001798 positive regulation of type IIa hypersensitivity X
GO:0010324 membrane invagination X
GO:0006911 phagocytosis, engulfment X
GO:0002894 positive regulation of type II hypersensitivity X
GO:0001796 regulation of type IIa hypersensitivity X
GO:0002892 regulation of type II hypersensitivity X
GO:0002445 type II hypersensitivity X
GO:0045807 positive regulation of endocytosis X


entry into host and movement - Skin.T7.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0052553 modulation by symbiont of host immune response X
GO:0016032 viral process X
GO:0052167 modulation by symbiont of host innate immune response X
GO:0044409 entry into host X
GO:0052510 positive regulation by organism of defense response of other organism involved in symbiotic interaction X
GO:0052126 movement in host environment X
GO:0052033 pathogen-associated molecular pattern dependent induction by symbiont of host innate immune response X
GO:0002281 macrophage activation involved in immune response X
GO:0052169 pathogen-associated molecular pattern dependent modulation by symbiont of host innate immune response X
GO:0046718 viral entry into host cell X
GO:0052031 modulation by symbiont of host defense response X
GO:0052509 positive regulation by symbiont of host defense response X
GO:0032490 detection of molecule of bacterial origin X
GO:0052192 movement in environment of other organism involved in symbiotic interaction X
GO:0052306 modulation by organism of innate immune response in other organism involved in symbiotic interaction X
GO:0044764 multi-organism cellular process X
GO:0030260 entry into host cell X
GO:0052308 pathogen-associated molecular pattern dependent modulation by organism of innate immune response in other organism involved in symbiotic interaction X
GO:0002282 microglial cell activation involved in immune response X
GO:0052257 pathogen-associated molecular pattern dependent induction by organism of innate immune response of other organism involved in symbiotic interaction X
GO:0052555 positive regulation by organism of immune response of other organism involved in symbiotic interaction X
GO:0051806 entry into cell of other organism involved in symbiotic interaction X
GO:0044419 interspecies interaction between organisms X
GO:0052255 modulation by organism of defense response of other organism involved in symbiotic interaction X
GO:0051828 entry into other organism involved in symbiotic interaction X
GO:0052556 positive regulation by symbiont of host immune response X
GO:0052552 modulation by organism of immune response of other organism involved in symbiotic interaction X
GO:0044403 symbiosis, encompassing mutualism through parasitism X
GO:0052305 positive regulation by organism of innate immune response in other organism involved in symbiotic interaction X
GO:0052166 positive regulation by symbiont of host innate immune response X


response to virus - Skin.T7.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0009615 response to virus X
GO:0045351 type I interferon biosynthetic process X
GO:0045350 interferon-beta biosynthetic process X
GO:0045357 regulation of interferon-beta biosynthetic process X
GO:0045359 positive regulation of interferon-beta biosynthetic process X


mitotic spindle assembly - Skin.T7.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0090307 spindle assembly involved in mitosis X
GO:0007051 spindle organization X
GO:0051225 spindle assembly X
GO:0007052 mitotic spindle organization X


N acetylglucosamine metabolism - Skin.T7.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:1901071 glucosamine-containing compound metabolic process X
GO:0006044 N-acetylglucosamine metabolic process X
GO:0006040 amino sugar metabolic process X


proteoglycan biosynthesis - Skin.T7.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0030201 heparan sulfate proteoglycan metabolic process X
GO:0006029 proteoglycan metabolic process X
GO:0030166 proteoglycan biosynthetic process X


negative regulation of cell junction assembly - Skin.T7.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0051895 negative regulation of focal adhesion assembly X
GO:1901889 negative regulation of cell junction assembly X


endocardial cell differentiation - Skin.T7.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0003348 cardiac endothelial cell differentiation X
GO:0060956 endocardial cell differentiation X


sequestering of actin monomers - Skin.T7.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0045185 maintenance of protein location X
GO:0042989 sequestering of actin monomers X


beta amyloid formation - Skin.T7.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0034205 beta-amyloid formation X
GO:0042987 amyloid precursor protein catabolic process X


response to platelet derived growth factor stimulus - Skin.T7.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0036119 response to platelet-derived growth factor stimulus X
GO:0036120 cellular response to platelet-derived growth factor stimulus X


lipopolysaccharid biosynthesis - Skin.T7.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0009103 lipopolysaccharide biosynthetic process X
GO:0008653 lipopolysaccharide metabolic process X


aminoglycan metabolism - Skin.T7.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0006022 aminoglycan metabolic process X
GO:0006026 aminoglycan catabolic process X


epithelial to mesenchymal transition, endocardial cushion formation - Skin.T7.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0003198 epithelial to mesenchymal transition involved in endocardial cushion formation X
GO:0003272 endocardial cushion formation X


pulmonary valve dev. and morphogenesis - Skin.T7.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0003184 pulmonary valve morphogenesis X
GO:0003177 pulmonary valve development X


cellular respiration - Skin.T14.Down,Muscle.Down

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0006099 tricarboxylic acid cycle X X
GO:0006102 isocitrate metabolic process X X
GO:0045333 cellular respiration X X
GO:0015980 energy derivation by oxidation of organic compounds X X
GO:0009060 aerobic respiration X X
GO:0022900 electron transport chain X
GO:0022904 respiratory electron transport chain X


acetyl CoA biosynthesis - Skin.T14.Down,Muscle.Down

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0006085 acetyl-CoA biosynthetic process X
GO:0035384 thioester biosynthetic process X
GO:0071616 acyl-CoA biosynthetic process X


response to muscle activity - Skin.T14.Down,Muscle.Down

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0014850 response to muscle activity X
GO:0014823 response to activity X


protein localization in mitochondrion - Skin.T14.Down

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0033108 mitochondrial respiratory chain complex assembly X
GO:0010257 NADH dehydrogenase complex assembly X
GO:0032981 mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I assembly X
GO:0097031 mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I biogenesis X


cation channel activity - Skin.T14.Down

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0032237 activation of store-operated calcium channel activity X
GO:1901341 positive regulation of store-operated calcium channel activity X
GO:2001259 positive regulation of cation channel activity X


interferon gamma response - Skin.T14.Down

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0060334 regulation of interferon-gamma-mediated signaling pathway X
GO:0060333 interferon-gamma-mediated signaling pathway X
GO:0060330 regulation of response to interferon-gamma X


calcineurin NFAT signaling cascade - Skin.T14.Down

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0033173 calcineurin-NFAT signaling cascade X
GO:0070884 regulation of calcineurin-NFAT signaling cascade X


histone demethylation - Skin.T14.Down

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0033169 histone H3-K9 demethylation X
GO:0070076 histone lysine demethylation X


negative regulation of Ras signal transduction - Skin.T14.Down

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0046580 negative regulation of Ras protein signal transduction X
GO:0051058 negative regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction X


positive regulation of metalloenzyme activity - Skin.T14.Down

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0048554 positive regulation of metalloenzyme activity X
GO:0048552 regulation of metalloenzyme activity X


glucocorticoid receptor signaling pathway - Skin.T14.Down

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0031958 corticosteroid receptor signaling pathway X
GO:0042921 glucocorticoid receptor signaling pathway X


atrioventricular valve dev. and morphogenesis - Skin.T14.Up,Muscle.Down

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0003171 atrioventricular valve development X X
GO:0003181 atrioventricular valve morphogenesis X


vitamin metabolism - Skin.T14.Up,Muscle.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0006766 vitamin metabolic process X
GO:0019852 L-ascorbic acid metabolic process X


digestion - Skin.T14.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0022600 digestive system process X
GO:0046717 acid secretion X
GO:0007586 digestion X
GO:0001696 gastric acid secretion X
GO:0060453 regulation of gastric acid secretion X


synapse assembly and nervous system development - Skin.T14.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0044089 positive regulation of cellular component biogenesis X
GO:0051962 positive regulation of nervous system development X
GO:0051965 positive regulation of synapse assembly X
GO:0007416 synapse assembly X


folic acid compound metabolism - Skin.T14.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0019240 citrulline biosynthetic process X
GO:0042558 pteridine-containing compound metabolic process X
GO:0006760 folic acid-containing compound metabolic process X
GO:0006575 cellular modified amino acid metabolic process X


retinoic acid biosynthesis - Skin.T14.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0002138 retinoic acid biosynthetic process X
GO:0016102 diterpenoid biosynthetic process X
GO:0016101 diterpenoid metabolic process X
GO:0001523 retinoid metabolic process X


urea cycle - Skin.T14.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0019627 urea metabolic process X
GO:0071941 nitrogen cycle metabolic process X
GO:0000050 urea cycle X


response to prostaglandin - Skin.T14.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0034694 response to prostaglandin stimulus X
GO:0071379 cellular response to prostaglandin stimulus X
GO:0071398 cellular response to fatty acid X


keratinocyte migration - Skin.T14.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0051546 keratinocyte migration X
GO:0051547 regulation of keratinocyte migration X
GO:0051549 positive regulation of keratinocyte migration X


amino acid transport - Skin.T14.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0006865 amino acid transport X
GO:0015809 arginine transport X
GO:0015802 basic amino acid transport X
GO:0006835 dicarboxylic acid transport X


mesenchymal cell diff in kidney / renal system dev. - Skin.T14.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0072161 mesenchymal cell differentiation involved in kidney development X
GO:2001012 mesenchymal cell differentiation involved in renal system development X


axon extension - Skin.T14.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0048846 axon extension involved in axon guidance X
GO:1902284 neuron projection extension involved in neuron projection guidance X


lung lobe dev. and morphogenesis - Skin.T14.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0060463 lung lobe morphogenesis X
GO:0060462 lung lobe development X


embryonic digestive tract dev. and morphogenesis - Skin.T14.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0048566 embryonic digestive tract development X
GO:0048557 embryonic digestive tract morphogenesis X


phosphate ion transport - Skin.T14.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0044341 sodium-dependent phosphate transport X
GO:0006817 phosphate ion transport X


fluid secretion - Skin.T14.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0032941 secretion by tissue X
GO:0007589 body fluid secretion X


interleukin 13 production - Skin.T14.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0032616 interleukin-13 production X
GO:0032656 regulation of interleukin-13 production X


glia guided migration - Skin.T14.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0021543 pallium development X
GO:0021801 cerebral cortex radial glia guided migration X


central nervous system maturation - Skin.T14.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0021578 hindbrain maturation X
GO:0021626 central nervous system maturation X


bile acid transport - Skin.T14.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0015721 bile acid and bile salt transport X
GO:0015722 canalicular bile acid transport X


positive regulation of muscle cell apoptosis - Skin.T14.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0010666 positive regulation of cardiac muscle cell apoptotic process X
GO:0010663 positive regulation of striated muscle cell apoptotic process X


purine metabolism - Muscle.Down

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0033875 ribonucleoside bisphosphate metabolic process X
GO:0034032 purine nucleoside bisphosphate metabolic process X
GO:0033865 nucleoside bisphosphate metabolic process X
GO:0015936 coenzyme A metabolic process X


regulation of phospholipase C - Muscle.Down

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:1900274 regulation of phospholipase C activity X
GO:0010863 positive regulation of phospholipase C activity X
GO:0007202 activation of phospholipase C activity X


response to VEGF - Muscle.Down

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0038084 vascular endothelial growth factor signaling pathway X
GO:0035767 endothelial cell chemotaxis X
GO:0035924 cellular response to vascular endothelial growth factor stimulus X


membrane repolarization - Muscle.Down

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0086011 membrane repolarization involved in regulation of action potential X
GO:0060307 regulation of ventricular cardiac muscle cell membrane repolarization X
GO:0060306 regulation of membrane repolarization X
GO:0086009 membrane repolarization X
GO:0086013 membrane repolarization involved in regulation of cardiac muscle cell action potential X


carbohydrate catabolism - Muscle.Down

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0044275 cellular carbohydrate catabolic process X
GO:0016052 carbohydrate catabolic process X


rRNA processing - Muscle.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0006364 rRNA processing X
GO:0016072 rRNA metabolic process X
GO:0071166 ribonucleoprotein complex localization X
GO:0042254 ribosome biogenesis X
GO:0034470 ncRNA processing X


response to indole 3 methanol - Muscle.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0071680 response to indole-3-methanol X
GO:0071681 cellular response to indole-3-methanol X


DNA break repair - Muscle.Up

GOID Description T7.Down T7.Up T14.Down T14.Up muscle.Down muscle.Up
GO:0000725 recombinational repair X
GO:0000724 double-strand break repair via homologous recombination X


Collateral Sprouting

One of our groups above seems to be related to collateral sprouting, which is the process the skin data was actually seeking to measure, but it is in an unexpected direction. We should look at the genes involved and see what is actually going on.

allDescStrings <- sapply(smNodes, function(x) {
isCollateral <- grep("collateral sprouting", allDescStrings, = TRUE)

collateralGO <- smNodes[[isCollateral]]$nodes

skinRomer$T7[collateralGO, ]
##            NGenes     Up      Down  Mixed
## GO:0048668     14 0.9992 0.0008999 0.1133
## GO:0048670     11 0.9979 0.0021998 0.5132
skinRomer$T14[collateralGO, ]
##            NGenes     Up   Down    Mixed
## GO:0048668     14 0.9867 0.0134 0.006299
## GO:0048670     11 0.9800 0.0201 0.008599

rnGenes <- unique(unlist(rnGO[collateralGO]))

rnFCGenes <- rownames(skinFC$T7)
rnGenes <- rnGenes[(rnGenes %in% rnFCGenes)]
rnExtra <- cbind(unlist(mget(rnGenes, org.Rn.egSYMBOL)), unlist(mget(rnGenes, 

rnData <- lapply(skinFC, function(inFC) {
    tmp <- cbind(inFC[rnGenes, ], rnExtra)
    names(tmp) <- c(names(tmp)[1:7], "Symbol", "Name")
lapply(rnData, dim)
## $T7
## [1] 14  9
## $T14
## [1] 14  9

Lets actually generate tables for T7 and T14.


logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B id Symbol Name
0.29 6.09 1.15 0.27 0.45 -5.74 25353 Spp1 secreted phosphoprotein 1
0.44 10.85 3.64 0.00 0.03 -1.50 54226 App amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein
-0.05 4.85 -0.36 0.73 0.83 -6.34 66025 Lpar3 lysophosphatidic acid receptor 3
-0.20 6.72 -2.32 0.03 0.14 -4.01 83721 Dvl1 dishevelled segment polarity protein 1
-0.62 7.67 -2.46 0.03 0.12 -3.78 84488 Fgf13 fibroblast growth factor 13
0.12 7.60 0.92 0.37 0.56 -5.98 295053 Spg20 spastic paraplegia 20 (Troyer syndrome)
-0.32 8.89 -1.83 0.09 0.23 -4.83 303206 Ulk2 unc-51 like autophagy activating kinase 2
-0.14 7.56 -0.83 0.42 0.60 -6.05 303553 Rnd2 Rho family GTPase 2
-0.32 9.03 -5.55 0.00 0.01 2.14 305497 Cobl cordon-bleu WH2 repeat protein
-0.32 7.50 -2.86 0.01 0.08 -3.03 305589 Bcl11a B-cell CLL/lymphoma 11A (zinc finger protein)
-0.57 7.10 -3.03 0.01 0.06 -2.70 306790 Sema4d sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), transmembrane domain ™ and short cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 4D
0.01 9.57 0.06 0.95 0.97 -6.40 307833 Ist1 increased sodium tolerance 1 homolog (yeast)
-0.18 8.06 -2.27 0.04 0.15 -4.10 360827 Ulk1 unc-51 like autophagy activating kinase 1
-0.11 5.74 -1.74 0.10 0.26 -4.98 450224 Omg oligodendrocyte-myelin glycoprotein


logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B id Symbol Name
-0.40 6.09 -1.62 0.13 0.24 -5.21 25353 Spp1 secreted phosphoprotein 1
0.24 10.85 1.97 0.07 0.15 -4.66 54226 App amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein
0.09 4.85 0.60 0.56 0.68 -6.27 66025 Lpar3 lysophosphatidic acid receptor 3
-0.37 6.72 -4.31 0.00 0.01 -0.22 83721 Dvl1 dishevelled segment polarity protein 1
-1.10 7.67 -4.37 0.00 0.01 -0.11 84488 Fgf13 fibroblast growth factor 13
-0.50 7.60 -3.86 0.00 0.02 -1.12 295053 Spg20 spastic paraplegia 20 (Troyer syndrome)
-0.55 8.89 -3.14 0.01 0.04 -2.53 303206 Ulk2 unc-51 like autophagy activating kinase 2
0.48 7.56 2.83 0.01 0.05 -3.13 303553 Rnd2 Rho family GTPase 2
-0.11 9.03 -1.81 0.09 0.19 -4.92 305497 Cobl cordon-bleu WH2 repeat protein
-0.40 7.50 -3.57 0.00 0.02 -1.69 305589 Bcl11a B-cell CLL/lymphoma 11A (zinc finger protein)
-0.74 7.10 -3.94 0.00 0.02 -0.94 306790 Sema4d sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), transmembrane domain ™ and short cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 4D
-0.12 9.57 -1.48 0.16 0.28 -5.40 307833 Ist1 increased sodium tolerance 1 homolog (yeast)
0.09 8.06 1.14 0.27 0.41 -5.81 360827 Ulk1 unc-51 like autophagy activating kinase 1
0.20 5.74 3.01 0.01 0.04 -2.79 450224 Omg oligodendrocyte-myelin glycoprotein

Run using geneSetTest

options(mc.cores = 12)  # at least if we are on hera
t1 <- Sys.time()
muscleGeneSetTest <- lapply(muscleFC, function(x) {
    mmGeneSetTest(muscleSet, x$t)

t2 <- Sys.time()
difftime(t2, t1)
save(muscleGeneSetTest, t1, t2, file = "inst/data/muscleGeneSetTest.RData")

Date and System information

## [1] "2014-02-19 10:34:49 EST"
## R version 3.0.1 (2013-05-16)
## Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## locale:
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##  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            
## attached base packages:
## [1] parallel  stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods  
## [8] base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] xtable_1.7-1                mouse4302.db_2.10.1        
##  [3]         rat2302.db_2.10.1          
##  [5]         affy_1.40.0                
##  [7] colorspace_1.2-4            mgcv_1.7-27                
##  [9] nlme_3.1-113                hgu133plus2.db_2.10.1      
## [11] hgu95av2.db_2.10.1          ALL_1.4.16                 
## [13] GO.db_2.10.1              
## [15] devtools_1.4.1              ccPaper_0.0.19             
## [17] ggplot2_0.9.3.1             limma_3.18.7               
## [19] categoryComparePaper_1.6.15 AnnotationDbi_1.24.0       
## [21] RSQLite_0.11.4              DBI_0.2-7                  
## [23] Biobase_2.22.0              BiocGenerics_0.8.0         
## [25] roxygen2_2.2.2              digest_0.6.4               
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] affyio_1.30.0         annotate_1.40.0       AnnotationForge_1.4.4
##  [4] BiocInstaller_1.12.0  brew_1.0-6            Category_2.28.0      
##  [7] dichromat_2.0-0       evaluate_0.5.1        formatR_0.10         
## [10] genefilter_1.44.0     GOstats_2.28.0        graph_1.40.1         
## [13] grid_3.0.1            GSEABase_1.24.0       gtable_0.1.2         
## [16] httr_0.2              hwriter_1.3           IRanges_1.20.6       
## [19] knitr_1.5             labeling_0.2          lattice_0.20-24      
## [22] markdown_0.6.4        MASS_7.3-29           Matrix_1.1-1.1       
## [25] memoise_0.1           munsell_0.4.2         plyr_1.8             
## [28] preprocessCore_1.24.0 proto_0.3-10          RBGL_1.38.0          
## [31] RColorBrewer_1.0-5    RCurl_1.95-4.1        RCytoscape_1.12.0    
## [34] reshape2_1.2.2        scales_0.2.3          splines_3.0.1        
## [37] stats4_3.0.1          stringr_0.6.2         survival_2.37-4      
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## [43] XMLRPC_0.3-0          zlibbioc_1.8.0