
Crohn's VS Ulcerative Colitis

GEO dataset GSE36807 has crohn's, uc, and normal samples.


cucData <- getGEO(GEO = "GSE36807")[[1]]

tmpP <- pData(cucData)
tmpP$status <- "control"

cLoc <- grep("Crohn", tmpP$characteristics_ch1)
tmpP$status[cLoc] <- "crohns"

ucLoc <- grep("Ulcerative colitis", tmpP$characteristics_ch1)
tmpP$status[ucLoc] <- "uc"
pData(cucData) <- tmpP

.sessionInfo <- sessionInfo()
.timeDate <- Sys.time()
save(cucData, .sessionInfo, .timeDate, file = "inst/data/uc_crohns_rawData.RData")

Differential analysis

Use the limma package to rank probes.


cucComps <- c("uc - control", "crohns - control")
geneID <- unlist(mget(featureNames(cucData), hgu133plus2ENTREZID))

cucExpr <- exprs(cucData)
cucCollapse <- collapseProbes(cucExpr, geneID)  # collapse to single genes using median of expression
cucCharacter <- pData(cucData)

cucFC <- rankGenes(cucCollapse, cucCharacter$status, cucComps, doAggregation = FALSE, 
    aggregateIndex = NA)
names(cucFC) <- c("UC", "CROHNS")

cucDiff <- lapply(cucFC, getDiffGenes, id = "id")
# this object can be run using base ccEnrich, or can be easily coerced


Do normal over-representation analysis on the cucDiff, those genes differentially expressed in the Crohn's and UC samples.

cucGeneList <- list(UC_up = list(genes = cucDiff$UC$up, universe = cucDiff$UC$universe, 
    annotation = ""), UC_dn = list(genes = cucDiff$UC$dn, universe = cucDiff$UC$universe, 
    annotation = ""), CR_up = list(genes = cucDiff$CROHNS$up, universe = cucDiff$CROHNS$universe, 
    annotation = ""), CR_dn = list(genes = cucDiff$CROHNS$dn, universe = cucDiff$CROHNS$universe, 
    annotation = ""))
cucGeneList <- new("ccGeneList", cucGeneList, ccType = "BP")
## Warning: NAs introduced by coercion

cucEnrich <- ccEnrich(cucGeneList)
## Performing Enrichment Calculations ....
## UC_up : BP 
## UC_dn : BP 
## CR_up : BP 
## CR_dn : BP 
## Done!!
pvalueType(cucEnrich) <- "pval"
pvalueCutoff(cucEnrich) <- 0.01

##     Annotation category:  GO   BP 
##                FDR runs:  50 
## Default p-values to use:  pval 
##                 pCutoff:  0.01 
## List:  UC_up 
## Gene to GO BP  test for over-representation 
## 6369 GO BP ids tested (657 have p <= 0.01 & count >= 0)
## Selected gene set size: 1207 
##     Gene universe size: 13833 
##     Annotation package: 
## List:  UC_dn 
## Gene to GO BP  test for over-representation 
## 5621 GO BP ids tested (218 have p <= 0.01 & count >= 0)
## Selected gene set size: 935 
##     Gene universe size: 13833 
##     Annotation package: 
## List:  CR_up 
## Gene to GO BP  test for over-representation 
## 1675 GO BP ids tested (179 have p <= 0.01 & count >= 0)
## Selected gene set size: 48 
##     Gene universe size: 13833 
##     Annotation package: 
## List:  CR_dn 
## Gene to GO BP  test for over-representation 
## 2132 GO BP ids tested (70 have p <= 0.01 & count >= 0)
## Selected gene set size: 116 
##     Gene universe size: 13833 
##     Annotation package:

cucOpts <- new("ccOptions", listNames = names(cucGeneList), compareNames = c("UC_up", 
    "UC_dn", "CR_up", "CR_dn", "UC_up,CR_up", "UC_up,CR_dn", "UC_dn,CR_up", 
cucCompare <- ccCompare(cucEnrich, cucOpts)

## ccCompare results for:
## Annotation category:  GO   BP 
## Main graph: A graphNEL graph with directed edges
## Number of Nodes = 621 
## Number of Edges = 117418
cucCompare <- breakEdges(cucCompare$BP, 0.8)
cucCy <- ccOutCyt(cucCompare, cucOpts)
breakEdges(cucCy, 1)

Run GSEA type analysis using limma

There are two ways to do GSEA using limma.

1 Use romer for competitive tests with rotations to do random samples 2 Use geneSetTest for gene-wise competitive tests, i.e. each set is tested against random gene samples

We're going to try both and see what we get out.

hsGO <- as.list(org.Hs.egGO2ALLEGS)
hsGO <- hsGO[(Ontology(names(hsGO)) == "BP")]
hsGO <- lapply(hsGO, unique)

useSet <- symbols2indices(hsGO, rownames(cucCollapse))

Run using romer

sampleStatus <- cucCharacter$status
doComps <- cucComps
f <- factor(sampleStatus)
design <- model.matrix(~0 + f)
colnames(design) <- levels(f)

contrast.matrix <- makeContrasts(contrasts = doComps, levels = design)
cucRomer <- multicontrastRomer(useSet, cucCollapse, design, contrast.matrix, 
    nrot = 10000)
names(cucRomer) <- c("UC", "CROHNS")
save(cucRomer, file = "inst/data/cucRomer.RData")


geneAnnMapping <- new("namedList", .Data = hsGO, names = names(hsGO))

getSigID <- function(inRomer, pCut = 0.05, whichCol = c("Up", "Down")) {
    sigID <- lapply(whichCol, function(inCol) {
        rownames(inRomer[(inRomer[, inCol] <= pCut), ])
    names(sigID) <- whichCol

cucSigRomer <- lapply(cucRomer, getSigID, pCut = 0.01)
cucSigRomer <- unlist(cucSigRomer, recursive = FALSE)

genCCSigList <- function(inSig) {
    tmp <- new("ccSigList", sigID = inSig)

cucCCSig <- lapply(cucSigRomer, genCCSigList)

cucCCRomer <- new("GENccEnrichResult", cucCCSig, categoryName = "GSEAGO", geneAnnMapping = geneAnnMapping, 
    overlapType = "overlap", annDescription = Term(names(geneAnnMapping)))

cucRomerOpts <- new("ccOptions", listNames = names(cucCCRomer), compareNames = c("UC.Up", 
    "UC.Down", "CROHNS.Up", "CROHNS.Down", "UC.Up,CROHNS.Up", "UC.Up,CROHNS.Down", 
    "UC.Down,CROHNS.Up", "UC.Down,CROHNS.Down"))
compareCUCRomer <- ccCompare(cucCCRomer, cucRomerOpts)
## Annotation category:  GSEAGO    
## Main graph: A graphNEL graph with directed edges
## Number of Nodes = 288 
## Number of Edges = 15342
compareCUCRomer <- breakEdges(compareCUCRomer, 0.8)
cucRomerCW <- ccOutCyt(compareCUCRomer, cucRomerOpts, postText = "romer", rpcPort = 9001)

Now we will save groups so that they can be queried and examined later.

cucNodeGroups <- cytOutNodes("response to lipopolysaccharide and bacterial - UC.Up", 
cucNodeGroups <- cytOutNodes("regulation of inflammatory response - UC.Up", 
    cucRomerCW, cucNodeGroups)
cucNodeGroups <- cytOutNodes("hydrogen peroxide metabolism - UC.Up,CROHNS.Up", 
    cucRomerCW, cucNodeGroups)
cucNodeGroups <- cytOutNodes("regulation of cell cycle and DNA damage response - UC.Up", 
    cucRomerCW, cucNodeGroups)
cucNodeGroups <- cytOutNodes("regulation of ubiquitination and ligase activity - UC.Up", 
    cucRomerCW, cucNodeGroups)
cucNodeGroups <- cytOutNodes("nucleotide and nucleoside metabolism - UC.Up,CROHNS.Up", 
    cucRomerCW, cucNodeGroups)
cucNodeGroups <- cytOutNodes("amine metabolism - UC.Up,CROHNS.Up", cucRomerCW, 
cucNodeGroups <- cytOutNodes("glandular cell differentiation - UC.Down", cucRomerCW, 
cucNodeGroups <- cytOutNodes("oligodendrocyte differentiation - UC.Down,CROHNS.Down", 
    cucRomerCW, cucNodeGroups)
cucNodeGroups <- cytOutNodes("cellular pattern specification - UC.Down,CROHNS.Down", 
    cucRomerCW, cucNodeGroups)
cucNodeGroups <- cytOutNodes("NAD biosynthesis - CROHNS.Up", cucRomerCW, cucNodeGroups)
cucNodeGroups <- cytOutNodes("hormone metabolism - CROHNS.Up", cucRomerCW, cucNodeGroups)
cucNodeGroups <- cytOutNodes("extrinsic signal transduction - UC.Up,CROHNS.Up", 
    cucRomerCW, cucNodeGroups)
cucNodeGroups <- cytOutNodes("regulation of nitric-oxide synthase - UC.Up,CROHNS.Up", 
    cucRomerCW, cucNodeGroups)
cucNodeGroups <- cytOutNodes("fatty-acyl-CoA biosynthesis - UC.Up,CROHNS.Up", 
    cucRomerCW, cucNodeGroups)
cucNodeGroups <- cytOutNodes("response to growth hormone - CROHNS.Up", cucRomerCW, 
cucNodeGroups <- cytOutNodes("melanin metabolism - CROHNS.Up", cucRomerCW, cucNodeGroups)
cucNodeGroups <- cytOutNodes("protein dephosphorylation - CROHNS.Up", cucRomerCW, 
cucNodeGroups <- cytOutNodes("chemokine and cytokine production - UC.Up,CROHNS.Up", 
    cucRomerCW, cucNodeGroups)
cucNodeGroups <- cytOutNodes("membrane biogenesis and assembly - UC.Down", cucRomerCW, 
cucNodeGroups <- cytOutNodes("activin receptor signaling - UC.Down", cucRomerCW, 
cucNodeGroups <- cytOutNodes("nik/nk-kappab cascade - UC.Up", cucRomerCW, cucNodeGroups)
cucNodeGroups <- cytOutNodes("er unfolded protein response - UC.Up, CROHNS.Up", 
    cucRomerCW, cucNodeGroups)
cucNodeGroups <- cytOutNodes("regulation of ras/rac/rho gtpase activity - UC.Up", 
    cucRomerCW, cucNodeGroups)
cucNodeGroups <- cytOutNodes("antigen processing and presentation - UC.UP,CROHNS.Up", 
    cucRomerCW, cucNodeGroups)
cucNodeGroups <- cytOutNodes("COPII vesicle coating and targeting - UC.Up", 
    cucRomerCW, cucNodeGroups)
cucNodeGroups <- cytOutNodes("negative regulation of peptidase activity - UC.Up", 
    cucRomerCW, cucNodeGroups)
cucNodeGroups <- cytOutNodes("response to type 1 interferon - UC.Up", cucRomerCW, 
cucNodeGroups <- cytOutNodes("protein N-linked glycosylation - UC.Up", cucRomerCW, 
.sessionInfo <- sessionInfo()
.timeDate <- Sys.time()
save(cucRomerCW, cucNodeGroups, compareCUCRomer, cucRomerOpts, .sessionInfo, 
    .timeDate, file = "inst/data/cucCCOutput.RData")

We can then write out the results into a nice table.

allDescStrings <- sapply(cucNodeGroups, function(x) {
string2List <- strsplit(allDescStrings, " - ", fixed = TRUE)
justDesc <- sapply(string2List, function(x) {
listMem <- sapply(string2List, function(x) {
listMemSplit <- strsplit(listMem, ",", fixed = TRUE)

descMembershipTable <- matrix("", nrow = length(allDescStrings), ncol = 5)
colnames(descMembershipTable) <- c("Description", "UC.Down", "UC.Up", "CROHNS.Down", 

descMembershipTable[, "Description"] <- justDesc

for (inRow in seq(1, nrow(descMembershipTable))) {
    useSplit <- listMemSplit[[inRow]]
    trimSplit <- gsub(" ", "", useSplit)
    useLocs <- sapply(trimSplit, grep, colnames(descMembershipTable), = TRUE)
    descMembershipTable[inRow, useLocs] <- "X"

orderBy <- c("UC.Up,CROHNS.Up", "UC.UP,CROHNS.Up", "UC.Up", "UC.Down", "UC.Down,CROHNS.Down", 
    "CROHNS.Up", "CROHNS.Down")

listMem <- gsub(" ", "", listMem)
newOrder <- unlist(lapply(orderBy, function(x) {
    which(listMem %in% x)

descMembershipTable <- descMembershipTable[newOrder, ]

# add an html link to each entry in the table
useLink <- paste("<a href=\"#loc", seq(1, nrow(descMembershipTable)), "\">", 
    descMembershipTable[, "Description"], "</a>", sep = "")
descMembershipTable[, "Description"] <- useLink

Print out the table.

Description UC.Down UC.Up CROHNS.Down CROHNS.Up
hydrogen peroxide metabolism X X
nucleotide and nucleoside metabolism X X
amine metabolism X X
extrinsic signal transduction X X
regulation of nitric-oxide synthase X X
fatty-acyl-CoA biosynthesis X X
chemokine and cytokine production X X
er unfolded protein response X X
antigen processing and presentation X X
response to lipopolysaccharide and bacterial X
regulation of inflammatory response X
regulation of cell cycle and DNA damage response X
regulation of ubiquitination and ligase activity X
nik/nk-kappab cascade X
regulation of ras/rac/rho gtpase activity X
COPII vesicle coating and targeting X
negative regulation of peptidase activity X
response to type 1 interferon X
protein N-linked glycosylation X
glandular cell differentiation X
membrane biogenesis and assembly X
activin receptor signaling X
oligodendrocyte differentiation X X
cellular pattern specification X X
NAD biosynthesis X
hormone metabolism X
response to growth hormone X
melanin metabolism X
protein dephosphorylation X

We also want the set of GO terms, their descriptions, and list memberships so that the inquisitive mind can see how we generated the groups.

hydrogen peroxide metabolism - UC.Up,CROHNS.Up

GOID Description UC.Down UC.Up CROHNS.Down CROHNS.Up
GO:2000377 regulation of reactive oxygen species metabolic process X X
GO:0042554 superoxide anion generation X X
GO:0072593 reactive oxygen species metabolic process X X
GO:0032928 regulation of superoxide anion generation X
GO:0042743 hydrogen peroxide metabolic process X
GO:2000379 positive regulation of reactive oxygen species metabolic process X


nucleotide and nucleoside metabolism - UC.Up,CROHNS.Up

GOID Description UC.Down UC.Up CROHNS.Down CROHNS.Up
GO:0043094 cellular metabolic compound salvage X X
GO:0043174 nucleoside salvage X X
GO:0072529 pyrimidine-containing compound catabolic process X X
GO:0009112 nucleobase metabolic process X
GO:0072527 pyrimidine-containing compound metabolic process X
GO:0009113 purine nucleobase biosynthetic process X
GO:0006213 pyrimidine nucleoside metabolic process X
GO:0043173 nucleotide salvage X
GO:0008655 pyrimidine-containing compound salvage X


amine metabolism - UC.Up,CROHNS.Up

GOID Description UC.Down UC.Up CROHNS.Down CROHNS.Up
GO:0006596 polyamine biosynthetic process X X
GO:0033238 regulation of cellular amine metabolic process X X
GO:0009308 amine metabolic process X X
GO:0009309 amine biosynthetic process X X
GO:0006521 regulation of cellular amino acid metabolic process X X
GO:0042401 cellular biogenic amine biosynthetic process X X
GO:0044106 cellular amine metabolic process X X
GO:0033240 positive regulation of cellular amine metabolic process X


extrinsic signal transduction - UC.Up,CROHNS.Up

GOID Description UC.Down UC.Up CROHNS.Down CROHNS.Up
GO:2001240 negative regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in absence of ligand X X
GO:1901099 negative regulation of signal transduction in absence of ligand X X
GO:2001239 regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in absence of ligand X X
GO:0038034 signal transduction in absence of ligand X X
GO:0097192 extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in absence of ligand X X


regulation of nitric-oxide synthase - UC.Up,CROHNS.Up

GOID Description UC.Down UC.Up CROHNS.Down CROHNS.Up
GO:0032770 positive regulation of monooxygenase activity X X
GO:0051000 positive regulation of nitric-oxide synthase activity X X
GO:0032768 regulation of monooxygenase activity X X
GO:0050999 regulation of nitric-oxide synthase activity X


fatty-acyl-CoA biosynthesis - UC.Up,CROHNS.Up

GOID Description UC.Down UC.Up CROHNS.Down CROHNS.Up
GO:0035336 long-chain fatty-acyl-CoA metabolic process X X
GO:0046949 fatty-acyl-CoA biosynthetic process X X
GO:0035338 long-chain fatty-acyl-CoA biosynthetic process X X
GO:0035337 fatty-acyl-CoA metabolic process X X


chemokine and cytokine production - UC.Up,CROHNS.Up

GOID Description UC.Down UC.Up CROHNS.Down CROHNS.Up
GO:0032602 chemokine production X X
GO:0009306 protein secretion X
GO:0050704 regulation of interleukin-1 secretion X
GO:0050707 regulation of cytokine secretion X
GO:0050718 positive regulation of interleukin-1 beta secretion X
GO:0032635 interleukin-6 production X
GO:0050706 regulation of interleukin-1 beta secretion X
GO:0032680 regulation of tumor necrosis factor production X
GO:0050714 positive regulation of protein secretion X
GO:0050715 positive regulation of cytokine secretion X
GO:0050663 cytokine secretion X
GO:0042092 type 2 immune response X
GO:0001818 negative regulation of cytokine production X
GO:0032732 positive regulation of interleukin-1 production X
GO:0050708 regulation of protein secretion X
GO:0032651 regulation of interleukin-1 beta production X
GO:0032755 positive regulation of interleukin-6 production X
GO:0032760 positive regulation of tumor necrosis factor production X
GO:0001817 regulation of cytokine production X
GO:0002643 regulation of tolerance induction X
GO:0032652 regulation of interleukin-1 production X
GO:0032640 tumor necrosis factor production X
GO:0032757 positive regulation of interleukin-8 production X
GO:0032715 negative regulation of interleukin-6 production X
GO:0032675 regulation of interleukin-6 production X
GO:0071706 tumor necrosis factor superfamily cytokine production X
GO:0032642 regulation of chemokine production X
GO:0032722 positive regulation of chemokine production X
GO:0050716 positive regulation of interleukin-1 secretion X
GO:0032731 positive regulation of interleukin-1 beta production X
GO:0042033 chemokine biosynthetic process X
GO:0050755 chemokine metabolic process X
GO:0045408 regulation of interleukin-6 biosynthetic process X


er unfolded protein response - UC.Up, CROHNS.Up

GOID Description UC.Down UC.Up CROHNS.Down CROHNS.Up
GO:0070059 intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress X X
GO:0035966 response to topologically incorrect protein X
GO:0035967 cellular response to topologically incorrect protein X
GO:0034620 cellular response to unfolded protein X
GO:0032075 positive regulation of nuclease activity X
GO:0006986 response to unfolded protein X
GO:0032069 regulation of nuclease activity X
GO:0006987 activation of signaling protein activity involved in unfolded protein response X
GO:0034976 response to endoplasmic reticulum stress X
GO:0030968 endoplasmic reticulum unfolded protein response X
GO:0006984 ER-nucleus signaling pathway X


antigen processing and presentation - UC.UP,CROHNS.Up

GOID Description UC.Down UC.Up CROHNS.Down CROHNS.Up
GO:0002474 antigen processing and presentation of peptide antigen via MHC class I X X
GO:0042590 antigen processing and presentation of exogenous peptide antigen via MHC class I X X
GO:0002479 antigen processing and presentation of exogenous peptide antigen via MHC class I, TAP-dependent X X
GO:0019882 antigen processing and presentation X
GO:0048002 antigen processing and presentation of peptide antigen X
GO:0019884 antigen processing and presentation of exogenous antigen X
GO:0002478 antigen processing and presentation of exogenous peptide antigen X


response to lipopolysaccharide and bacterial - UC.Up

GOID Description UC.Down UC.Up CROHNS.Down CROHNS.Up
GO:0009617 response to bacterium X
GO:0071222 cellular response to lipopolysaccharide X
GO:0042742 defense response to bacterium X
GO:0031663 lipopolysaccharide-mediated signaling pathway X
GO:0071219 cellular response to molecule of bacterial origin X
GO:0032496 response to lipopolysaccharide X
GO:0071216 cellular response to biotic stimulus X
GO:0009595 detection of biotic stimulus X
GO:0016045 detection of bacterium X
GO:0002237 response to molecule of bacterial origin X


regulation of inflammatory response - UC.Up

GOID Description UC.Down UC.Up CROHNS.Down CROHNS.Up
GO:0002697 regulation of immune effector process X
GO:0050688 regulation of defense response to virus X
GO:0002699 positive regulation of immune effector process X
GO:0050690 regulation of defense response to virus by virus X
GO:0045191 regulation of isotype switching X
GO:0002228 natural killer cell mediated immunity X
GO:0002831 regulation of response to biotic stimulus X
GO:0031348 negative regulation of defense response X
GO:0031347 regulation of defense response X
GO:0002703 regulation of leukocyte mediated immunity X
GO:0002443 leukocyte mediated immunity X
GO:0001906 cell killing X
GO:0009615 response to virus X
GO:0050727 regulation of inflammatory response X
GO:0001909 leukocyte mediated cytotoxicity X
GO:0002449 lymphocyte mediated immunity X
GO:0051607 defense response to virus X
GO:0016064 immunoglobulin mediated immune response X
GO:0050728 negative regulation of inflammatory response X


regulation of cell cycle and DNA damage response - UC.Up

GOID Description UC.Down UC.Up CROHNS.Down CROHNS.Up
GO:0030330 DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator X
GO:0000077 DNA damage checkpoint X
GO:0071156 regulation of cell cycle arrest X
GO:0031570 DNA integrity checkpoint X
GO:0044774 mitotic DNA integrity checkpoint X
GO:0042770 signal transduction in response to DNA damage X
GO:0071158 positive regulation of cell cycle arrest X
GO:0072401 signal transduction involved in DNA integrity checkpoint X
GO:0072431 signal transduction involved in mitotic G1 DNA damage checkpoint X
GO:2000045 regulation of G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle X
GO:0044783 G1 DNA damage checkpoint X
GO:2000134 negative regulation of G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle X
GO:0072422 signal transduction involved in DNA damage checkpoint X
GO:0006977 DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator resulting in cell cycle arrest X
GO:0031571 mitotic G1 DNA damage checkpoint X
GO:0072413 signal transduction involved in mitotic cell cycle checkpoint X
GO:0044773 mitotic DNA damage checkpoint X
GO:0031572 G2 DNA damage checkpoint X
GO:0072395 signal transduction involved in cell cycle checkpoint X


regulation of ubiquitination and ligase activity - UC.Up

GOID Description UC.Down UC.Up CROHNS.Down CROHNS.Up
GO:0051352 negative regulation of ligase activity X
GO:0051439 regulation of ubiquitin-protein ligase activity involved in mitotic cell cycle X
GO:0031398 positive regulation of protein ubiquitination X
GO:0051443 positive regulation of ubiquitin-protein ligase activity X
GO:0051437 positive regulation of ubiquitin-protein ligase activity involved in mitotic cell cycle X
GO:0031145 anaphase-promoting complex-dependent proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process X
GO:0051340 regulation of ligase activity X
GO:0051438 regulation of ubiquitin-protein ligase activity X
GO:0051444 negative regulation of ubiquitin-protein ligase activity X
GO:0051351 positive regulation of ligase activity X
GO:0051436 negative regulation of ubiquitin-protein ligase activity involved in mitotic cell cycle X


nik/nk-kappab cascade - UC.Up

GOID Description UC.Down UC.Up CROHNS.Down CROHNS.Up
GO:1901222 regulation of NIK/NF-kappaB cascade X X
GO:0045860 positive regulation of protein kinase activity X
GO:0051347 positive regulation of transferase activity X
GO:0033674 positive regulation of kinase activity X
GO:0007250 activation of NF-kappaB-inducing kinase activity X
GO:0038061 NIK/NF-kappaB cascade X


regulation of ras/rac/rho gtpase activity - UC.Up

GOID Description UC.Down UC.Up CROHNS.Down CROHNS.Up
GO:0051345 positive regulation of hydrolase activity X
GO:0032855 positive regulation of Rac GTPase activity X
GO:0032318 regulation of Ras GTPase activity X
GO:0032320 positive regulation of Ras GTPase activity X
GO:0032862 activation of Rho GTPase activity X
GO:0032321 positive regulation of Rho GTPase activity X
GO:0032319 regulation of Rho GTPase activity X


COPII vesicle coating and targeting - UC.Up

GOID Description UC.Down UC.Up CROHNS.Down CROHNS.Up
GO:0048208 COPII vesicle coating X
GO:0048207 vesicle targeting, rough ER to cis-Golgi X
GO:0048199 vesicle targeting, to, from or within Golgi X
GO:0090114 COPII-coated vesicle budding X


negative regulation of peptidase activity - UC.Up

GOID Description UC.Down UC.Up CROHNS.Down CROHNS.Up
GO:0052547 regulation of peptidase activity X
GO:0010466 negative regulation of peptidase activity X
GO:0010951 negative regulation of endopeptidase activity X
GO:0052548 regulation of endopeptidase activity X


response to type 1 interferon - UC.Up

GOID Description UC.Down UC.Up CROHNS.Down CROHNS.Up
GO:0071357 cellular response to type I interferon X
GO:0034340 response to type I interferon X
GO:0060337 type I interferon-mediated signaling pathway X


protein N-linked glycosylation - UC.Up

GOID Description UC.Down UC.Up CROHNS.Down CROHNS.Up
GO:0018196 peptidyl-asparagine modification X
GO:0018279 protein N-linked glycosylation via asparagine X
GO:0006487 protein N-linked glycosylation X


glandular cell differentiation - UC.Down

GOID Description UC.Down UC.Up CROHNS.Down CROHNS.Up
GO:0002068 glandular epithelial cell development X
GO:0002067 glandular epithelial cell differentiation X
GO:0003309 type B pancreatic cell differentiation X
GO:0003323 type B pancreatic cell development X
GO:0002066 columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell development X
GO:0035883 enteroendocrine cell differentiation X
GO:0002065 columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell differentiation X


membrane biogenesis and assembly - UC.Down

GOID Description UC.Down UC.Up CROHNS.Down CROHNS.Up
GO:0071709 membrane assembly X
GO:0044091 membrane biogenesis X


activin receptor signaling - UC.Down

GOID Description UC.Down UC.Up CROHNS.Down CROHNS.Up
GO:0032925 regulation of activin receptor signaling pathway X
GO:0032924 activin receptor signaling pathway X


oligodendrocyte differentiation - UC.Down,CROHNS.Down

GOID Description UC.Down UC.Up CROHNS.Down CROHNS.Up
GO:0048715 negative regulation of oligodendrocyte differentiation X X
GO:0045686 negative regulation of glial cell differentiation X
GO:0048713 regulation of oligodendrocyte differentiation X
GO:0014014 negative regulation of gliogenesis X
GO:0048709 oligodendrocyte differentiation X


cellular pattern specification - UC.Down,CROHNS.Down

GOID Description UC.Down UC.Up CROHNS.Down CROHNS.Up
GO:0009953 dorsal/ventral pattern formation X
GO:0009952 anterior/posterior pattern specification X
GO:0007389 pattern specification process X
GO:0003002 regionalization X
GO:0007379 segment specification X
GO:0001840 neural plate development X


NAD biosynthesis - CROHNS.Up

GOID Description UC.Down UC.Up CROHNS.Down CROHNS.Up
GO:0072525 pyridine-containing compound biosynthetic process X
GO:0009435 NAD biosynthetic process X
GO:0019363 pyridine nucleotide biosynthetic process X
GO:0072524 pyridine-containing compound metabolic process X
GO:0019359 nicotinamide nucleotide biosynthetic process X


hormone metabolism - CROHNS.Up

GOID Description UC.Down UC.Up CROHNS.Down CROHNS.Up
GO:0016114 terpenoid biosynthetic process X
GO:0042573 retinoic acid metabolic process X
GO:0008299 isoprenoid biosynthetic process X
GO:0042448 progesterone metabolic process X
GO:0034754 cellular hormone metabolic process X


response to growth hormone - CROHNS.Up

GOID Description UC.Down UC.Up CROHNS.Down CROHNS.Up
GO:0071378 cellular response to growth hormone stimulus X
GO:0060416 response to growth hormone stimulus X
GO:0060396 growth hormone receptor signaling pathway X


melanin metabolism - CROHNS.Up

GOID Description UC.Down UC.Up CROHNS.Down CROHNS.Up
GO:0006582 melanin metabolic process X
GO:0019748 secondary metabolic process X
GO:0042438 melanin biosynthetic process X


protein dephosphorylation - CROHNS.Up

GOID Description UC.Down UC.Up CROHNS.Down CROHNS.Up
GO:0035304 regulation of protein dephosphorylation X
GO:0035307 positive regulation of protein dephosphorylation X
GO:0035306 positive regulation of dephosphorylation X


Demonstration of why graph representation is useful

Is the graph representation actually important for our method, or is it just useful over all?


getTable <- function(inName) {
    tmpDat <- cucRomer[[inName]]
    colnames(tmpDat) <- paste(inName, colnames(tmpDat), sep = ".")

cucTables <- lapply(names(cucRomer), getTable)
all.equal(rownames(cucTables[[1]]), rownames(cucTables[[2]]))
## [1] TRUE

cucTables <-, cucTables)
cucTables <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
cucTables$ID <- rownames(cucTables)

sigNodes <- nodes(compareCUCRomer@mainGraph)
nodeMembership <- unlist(nodeData(compareCUCRomer@mainGraph, sigNodes, "listMembership"))

cucTables <- cucTables[sigNodes, ]
cucTables$membership <- nodeMembership
cucTables$description <- unlist(nodeData(compareCUCRomer@mainGraph, sigNodes, 

groupLabel <- "nucleotide and nucleoside metabolism - UC.Up,CROHNS.Up"
allLabel <- sapply(cucNodeGroups, function(x) {
whichLabel <- which(allLabel %in% groupLabel)
groupNodes <- cucNodeGroups[[whichLabel]]$nodes
cucTables[groupNodes, ]
##            UC.NGenes    UC.Up UC.Down UC.Mixed CROHNS.NGenes CROHNS.Up
## GO:0009112        63 0.006499  0.9936  0.08179            63  0.160684
## GO:0043094        30 0.006899  0.9932  0.02500            30  0.001200
## GO:0043173        12 0.028597  0.9715  0.05439            12  0.008199
## GO:0043174        12 0.007199  0.9929  0.15468            12  0.003400
## GO:0072529        30 0.001200  0.9989  0.30107            30  0.003700
## GO:0072527        69 0.005899  0.9942  0.19648            69  0.138086
## GO:0009113        10 0.009399  0.9907  0.04350            10  0.165083
## GO:0008655         9 0.016998  0.9831  0.25347             9  0.004000
## GO:0006213        47 0.005199  0.9949  0.43016            47  0.169883
##            CROHNS.Down CROHNS.Mixed         ID      membership
## GO:0009112      0.8394      0.40866 GO:0009112           UC.Up
## GO:0043094      0.9989      0.04760 GO:0043094 UC.Up,CROHNS.Up
## GO:0043173      0.9919      0.02130 GO:0043173       CROHNS.Up
## GO:0043174      0.9967      0.06239 GO:0043174 UC.Up,CROHNS.Up
## GO:0072529      0.9964      0.02860 GO:0072529 UC.Up,CROHNS.Up
## GO:0072527      0.8620      0.14079 GO:0072527           UC.Up
## GO:0009113      0.8350      0.65173 GO:0009113           UC.Up
## GO:0008655      0.9961      0.05039 GO:0008655       CROHNS.Up
## GO:0006213      0.8302      0.30747 GO:0006213           UC.Up
##                                                 description
## GO:0009112                     nucleobase metabolic process
## GO:0043094              cellular metabolic compound salvage
## GO:0043173                               nucleotide salvage
## GO:0043174                               nucleoside salvage
## GO:0072529 pyrimidine-containing compound catabolic process
## GO:0072527 pyrimidine-containing compound metabolic process
## GO:0009113           purine nucleobase biosynthetic process
## GO:0008655           pyrimidine-containing compound salvage
## GO:0006213          pyrimidine nucleoside metabolic process

OK, so given the full table of 288 results, where do these terms end up falling in the list? i.e. if I had to scroll through the list, how likely would I be to actually determine that nucleoside - nucleotide metabolism comes from both UC.Up and CROHNS.Up?

newOrder <- order(cucTables[, "UC.Up"], cucTables[, "CROHNS.Up"], cucTables[, 
cucTables <- cucTables[newOrder, ]
which(cucTables$ID %in% groupNodes)
## [1]  40 123 136 149 155 167 191 206 215

Date and System information

## [1] "2014-02-19 10:42:29 EST"
## R version 3.0.1 (2013-05-16)
## Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)
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## other attached packages:
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## [23] DBI_0.2-7                   Biobase_2.22.0             
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