Fast Kendall-tau Correlation with Rcpp

How we created a fast implementation of Kendall-tau using Rcpp


Robert M Flight


May 29, 2023


Check out our {ICIKendallTau} R package if you want access to a fast version of Kendall-tau correlation in R (Robert M. Flight and Moseley 2022b) with only a few dependencies.

# remotes::install_github("moseleybioinformaticslab/icikendalltau)
# install.packages("microbenchmark")

Kendall Tau??

Yes, Kendall-tau correlation! It is a rank based correlation based on the number of concordant and discordant pairs of points. This graphic from Wikipedia explains it really well (Wikipedia, n.d.).


Figure 1: All points in the gray area are concordant and all points in the white area are discordant with respect to point X1, Y1. With n = 30 points, there are a total of 435 possible point pairs. In this example there are 395 concordant point pairs and 40 discordant point pairs, leading to a Kendall rank correlation coefficient of 0.816. (Retodomax 2021)

This is a really useful correlation to use if you don’t want to have to worry about how linearly related things are, just whether the points from two samples go in the same direction or not. In addition, we think there is a neat variant we can make to incorporate the presence of missing values when they are missing not at random, and we have a preprint on that that I am working on revising (Robert M. Flight, Bhatt, and Moseley 2022).

Need for Speed!

However, there is an issue with the basic Kendall-tau algorithm. It is slower than molasses going uphill in January (as my parents used to say). Especially as we increase to correlations calculated using tens of thousands of features in both x and y.

x_large = rnorm(10000)
y_large = rnorm(10000)
microbenchmark::microbenchmark(cor(x_large, y_large, method = "kendall"),
                               times = 20)
Unit: seconds
                                      expr      min       lq     mean   median
 cor(x_large, y_large, method = "kendall") 1.086599 1.104935 1.146724 1.127946
       uq      max neval
 1.137544 1.417044    20

That took a full second! And the size of things we frequently want to calculate for eukaryotic based transcriptomics are 2X - 4X that size, and across many, many samples.

So if we can speed it up, that would be awesome.

I will note through all of this work, that I’ve already been through this once in the development of our {ICIKendallTau} package, so I already know the answer. However, I felt it would be useful to work through all of this again to help others who might be looking at similar types of problems. And yes, some of the below code seems silly, but they are first stabs at an implementation.

Differences of Signs

The simplest way to find the concordant and discordant pairs is to generate all the possible pair indices of the points, and then compare their directions; the same direction of a pair in both X and Y means they are concordant, and different directions means they are discordant.

And in fact, that is exactly what is happening in the C code for R’s covariance / correlation code, iterating over each pair of points (k and n1; snippet shown here from lines 108 - 118 of file src/library/stats/src/cov.c in R-4.3.0).

else { /* Kendall's tau */                      \
    for(n1=0 ; n1 < k ; n1++)                   \
        if(!(ISNAN(xx[n1]) || ISNAN(yy[n1]))) { \
            xm = sign(xx[k] - xx[n1]);          \
            ym = sign(yy[k] - yy[n1]);          \
            COV_SUM_UPDATE                      \
        }                                       \
}                                               \

R Based, Copy All Pairs

What can we do in R that is similar? We can generate all the pairwise indices, create actual vectors, and then get the signs of the differences maybe?

reference_ici = function(x, y)
  n_x = length(x)
  n_y = length(y)
  pairs = combn(n_x, 2)
  x_pairs = rbind(x[pairs[1, ]],
                  x[pairs[2, ]])
  y_pairs = rbind(y[pairs[1, ]],
                  y[pairs[2, ]])
  x_sign = sign(x_pairs[1, ] - x_pairs[2, ])
  y_sign = sign(y_pairs[1, ] - y_pairs[2, ])
  x_y_sign = x_sign * y_sign
  sum_concordant = sum(x_y_sign > 0)
  sum_discordant = sum(x_y_sign < 0)
  x_is_dup = duplicated(x)
  x_dup = x[x_is_dup]
  x_tied_values_t1 = table(x_dup) + 1;
  y_is_dup = duplicated(y)
  y_dup = y[y_is_dup]
  y_tied_values_t2 = table(y_dup) + 1
  x_tied_sum_t1 = sum(x_tied_values_t1 * (x_tied_values_t1 - 1)) / 2
  y_tied_sum_t2 = sum(y_tied_values_t2 * (y_tied_values_t2 - 1)) / 2
  t_0 = n_x * (n_x - 1) / 2
  k_denominator = sqrt((t_0 - x_tied_sum_t1) * (t_0 - y_tied_sum_t2))
  k_numerator = sum_concordant - sum_discordant
  k_tau = k_numerator / k_denominator

Let’s see how long this takes as a baseline, and how it compares to the {stats::cor} function.

x = rnorm(1000)
y = rnorm(1000)
microbenchmark::microbenchmark(cor(x, y, method = "kendall"),
                               reference_ici(x, y),
                               times = 20)
Unit: milliseconds
                          expr       min        lq      mean    median
 cor(x, y, method = "kendall")  11.44744  12.47315  12.84324  13.07735
           reference_ici(x, y) 351.74901 368.20867 392.19704 387.35215
        uq       max neval
  13.28316  13.63687    20
 417.69942 432.55782    20

Not so great. Not that surprising, given the main correlation algorithm in R is written in C. Let’s see if we can speed that up. Although our code seems vectorized here, there is significant time taken in creating the large matrices to hold the pair indices, and then create the pairs themselves. Therefore, if we can avoid the creation of those large matrices, we can probably improve the speed.

R Based, Increment Count

iterators_ici = function(x, y)
  n_entry = length(x)
  sum_concordant = 0
  sum_discordant = 0
  for (i in seq(1, n_entry - 1)) {
    for (j in seq(i + 1, n_entry)) {
      sum_concordant = sum_concordant +  ((sign(x[i] - x[j]) * sign(y[i] - y[j])) > 0)
      sum_discordant = sum_discordant + ((sign(x[i] - x[j]) * sign(y[i] - y[j])) < 0)
  k_numerator = sum_concordant - sum_discordant
  x_is_dup = duplicated(x)
  x_dup = x[x_is_dup]
  x_tied_values_t1 = table(x_dup) + 1;
  y_is_dup = duplicated(y)
  y_dup = y[y_is_dup]
  y_tied_values_t2 = table(y_dup) + 1
  x_tied_sum_t1 = sum(x_tied_values_t1 * (x_tied_values_t1 - 1)) / 2
  y_tied_sum_t2 = sum(y_tied_values_t2 * (y_tied_values_t2 - 1)) / 2
  t_0 = n_entry * (n_entry - 1) / 2
  k_denominator = sqrt((t_0 - x_tied_sum_t1) * (t_0 - y_tied_sum_t2))
  k_numerator = sum_concordant - sum_discordant
  k_tau = k_numerator / k_denominator
microbenchmark::microbenchmark(cor(x, y, method = "kendall"),
                               reference_ici(x, y),
                               iterators_ici(x, y),
                               times = 20)
Unit: milliseconds
                          expr       min        lq      mean    median
 cor(x, y, method = "kendall")  11.55812  12.49837  12.83441  12.69495
           reference_ici(x, y) 357.29120 371.24522 387.07048 378.65192
           iterators_ici(x, y) 279.28479 283.04712 289.51380 284.79317
        uq       max neval
  13.19846  14.45556    20
 403.50524 438.96896    20
 290.43204 335.47143    20

Allright! We’ve got some decent improvement over our base attempt. We also know, thanks to the SciPy project, that there is a better way to do get the number of concordant and discordant pairs (which is what we use in {ICIKendallTau}). Let’s see if we can manage that in pure R, and see if it helps us out any.

R Based, Sort

sort_ici = function(x, y)

  get_sort = function(values)
    value_order = order(values, method = "radix")
  compare_self = function(x){
    n_entry = length(x)
    match_self = vector("integer", n_entry)
    match_self[1] = 1L
    idx = 2
    for (i in seq(2, n_entry)) {
      if (x[i] != x[(i - 1)]) {
        match_self[idx] = 1L;
      } else {
        match_self[idx] = 0L;
      idx = idx + 1
  compare_both = function(x, y)
    n_entry = length(x)
    match_self = vector("integer", n_entry + 1)
    match_self[1] = 1L
    idx = 2
    for (i in seq(2, n_entry)) {
      if ((x[i] != x[(i - 1)]) || (y[i] != y[(i - 1)])) {
        match_self[idx] = 1L
      } else {
        match_self[idx] = 0L
      idx = idx + 1
    match_self[n_entry + 1] = 1

  count_rank_tie = function(ranks)
    dup_ranks = duplicated(ranks)
    ranks2 = ranks[dup_ranks]
    number_tied = table(ranks2) + 1
    return(list(ntie = sum(number_tied * (number_tied - 1)) / 2,
                t0 = sum(number_tied * (number_tied - 1) * (number_tied - 2)) / 2,
                t1 = sum(number_tied * (number_tied - 1) * (2 * number_tied + 5))))
  which_notzero = function(x){
    notzero = vector("integer", length(x))
    idx = 1L
    for (i in seq(1, length(x))) {
      if (x[i] != 0) {
        notzero[idx] = i - 1
        idx = idx + 1L
    keep_loc = seq(1, idx - 1)
    notzero = notzero[keep_loc]
  kendall_discordant = function(x, y){
    #x = x4
    #y = y4
    sup = 1 + max(y)
    arr = vector("integer", sup)
    i = 0
    k = 0
    n = length(x)
    idx = 1L
    dis = 0
    while (i < n) {
      while ((k < n) && (x[i + 1] == x[k + 1])) {
        dis = dis + i
        idx = y[k + 1]
        while (idx != 0) {
          dis = dis - arr[idx + 1]
          idx = bitwAnd(idx, idx - 1)
        k = k + 1
      while (i < k) {
        idx = y[i + 1]
        while (idx < sup) {
          arr[idx + 1] = arr[idx + 1] + 1
          idx = idx + bitwAnd(idx, (-1*idx))
        i = i + 1

  n_entry = length(x)
  perm_y = get_sort(y)
  x = x[perm_y]
  y = y[perm_y]
  y3 = compare_self(y)
  y4 = cumsum(y3)
  perm_x = get_sort(x);
  x = x[perm_x]
  y4 = y4[perm_x]
  x3 = compare_self(x)
  x4 = cumsum(x3)
  obs = compare_both(x4, y4)
  sum_obs = sum(obs)
  cnt = diff(which_notzero(obs))
  dis = kendall_discordant(x4, y4)
  ntie = sum((cnt * (cnt - 1)) / 2)
  x_counts = count_rank_tie(x4)
  xtie = x_counts[[1]]
  x0 = x_counts[[2]]
  x1 = x_counts[[3]]
  y_counts = count_rank_tie(y4)
  ytie = y_counts[[1]]
  y0 = y_counts[[2]]
  y1 = y_counts[[3]]
  tot = (n_entry * (n_entry - 1)) / 2
  con_minus_dis = tot - xtie - ytie + ntie - 2 * dis
  tau = con_minus_dis / sqrt((tot - xtie) * (tot - ytie))
microbenchmark::microbenchmark(cor(x, y, method = "kendall"),
                               reference_ici(x, y),
                               iterators_ici(x, y),
                               sort_ici(x, y),
                               times = 20)
Unit: milliseconds
                          expr        min        lq      mean     median
 cor(x, y, method = "kendall")  11.709530  12.33871  12.63373  12.488732
           reference_ici(x, y) 355.224637 367.46692 387.70370 374.809739
           iterators_ici(x, y) 273.673038 276.02535 280.80801 281.919287
                sort_ici(x, y)   8.760096   8.98937  13.48845   9.395173
        uq       max neval
  12.87524  14.06242    20
 421.60254 441.29727    20
 283.32639 289.62743    20
  10.02100  87.38422    20

So, I thought I could implement the sorting method in R, and it would help. It helps, in that it looks like it gets back to C speed, in R. Which isn’t bad, but still isn’t great. This is more than likely because I don’t actually understand the sort based Kendall-tau algorithm on a theoretical level. I was able to copy it from the Python into {Rcpp}, and use a lot of debugging and test cases to make sure I had it implemented correctly, but there are things it is doing that I don’t understand algorithmically, which means I don’t know the best way to create an R-centric method for them. For this example, I literally just translated my previous {Rcpp} code into R, which of course doesn’t necessarily make for fast code.

C++ Based, Differences

As a reference, I also implemented the iterating differences algorithm in {Rcpp}. Note that this is not meant to be called by normal users of {ICIKendallTau}, we have it there as a reference to make sure that everything else is working properly.

microbenchmark::microbenchmark(cor(x, y, method = "kendall"),
                               reference_ici(x, y),
                               iterators_ici(x, y),
                               sort_ici(x, y),
                               ICIKendallTau:::ici_kt_pairs(x, y),
                               times = 20)
Unit: milliseconds
                               expr        min         lq       mean     median
      cor(x, y, method = "kendall")  11.829116  12.051790  12.872894  12.815848
                reference_ici(x, y) 347.066153 382.616886 400.650147 395.033647
                iterators_ici(x, y) 271.020774 273.111584 284.668516 274.988955
                     sort_ici(x, y)   8.978789   9.393873  10.498460  10.161402
 ICIKendallTau:::ici_kt_pairs(x, y)   4.336266   4.493440   4.806514   4.771994
         uq        max neval
  13.380157  14.977161    20
 418.945940 465.485468    20
 292.175271 342.778833    20
  11.554007  13.605138    20
   4.891025   6.397218    20

We can see that is faster than the C-based cor by maybe 2X for 1000 long vectors. Given that ici_kt_pairs has only the single iterator logic for the one correlation method, that makes sense.

C++ Based, Sort

Let’s compare the actual sort-based function that is implemented in the {ICIKendallTau} package (which you can see in (Robert M. Flight and Moseley 2022a)).

microbenchmark::microbenchmark(cor(x, y, method = "kendall"),
                               reference_ici(x, y),
                               iterators_ici(x, y),
                               sort_ici(x, y),
                               ici_kt(x, y),
                               times = 20)
Unit: microseconds
                          expr        min          lq        mean     median
 cor(x, y, method = "kendall")  11922.472  12154.2850  12992.5719  12916.488
           reference_ici(x, y) 352612.664 380621.5915 399187.5410 393977.078
           iterators_ici(x, y) 266384.200 270873.1345 286840.9181 273214.937
                sort_ici(x, y)   8862.455   9607.5720  10356.4879  10301.072
                  ici_kt(x, y)    216.761    245.6465    273.3186    265.784
         uq        max neval
  13522.521  16085.135    20
 424152.088 444856.163    20
 289494.598 338773.242    20
  11140.300  12458.339    20
    291.693    367.443    20

That’s fast! Notice the time moved from milliseconds to microseconds, and the {ICIKendallTau} version is ~ 50X faster than the base R version. Let’s increase the size of our vectors by 10X and compare the run times again.

x_large = rnorm(10000)
y_large = rnorm(10000)
microbenchmark::microbenchmark(cor(x, y, method = "kendall"),
                               cor(x_large, y_large, method = "kendall"),
                               ici_kt(x, y),
                               ici_kt(x_large, y_large),
                               times = 20)
Unit: microseconds
                                      expr         min           lq
             cor(x, y, method = "kendall")   11654.425   11757.9275
 cor(x_large, y_large, method = "kendall") 1134471.513 1149212.6425
                              ici_kt(x, y)     211.174     228.8565
                  ici_kt(x_large, y_large)    2341.995    2370.5770
         mean      median          uq         max neval
   12088.3777   11816.745   12018.914   15825.794    20
 1201616.7482 1168728.874 1243587.177 1456530.477    20
     259.2706     247.703     265.988     531.182    20
    2643.4572    2392.539    2453.216    4024.673    20

The base R method increases time taken by 100X, but the sort based method of {ICIKendallTau} increases only 10X. This is the advantage of the sort method, it’s complexity is \(\mathcal{O}(n\log{}n))\), vs \(\mathcal{O}(n^2)\).


Flight, Robert M., Praneeth S. Bhatt, and Hunter NB Moseley. 2022. “Information-Content-Informed Kendall-Tau Correlation: Utilizing Missing Values.”
Flight, Robert M, and Hunter NB Moseley. 2022a. “Ici_kt Code.”
———. 2022b. “ICI-Kt r Package.”
Retodomax. 2021. “Kendall-Tau Example Image.”
Wikipedia. n.d. “Kendall Rank Correlation Coefficient.”



BibTeX citation:
  author = {Robert M Flight},
  title = {Fast {Kendall-tau} {Correlation} with {Rcpp}},
  date = {2023-05-29},
  url = {},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Robert M Flight. 2023. “Fast Kendall-Tau Correlation with Rcpp.” May 29, 2023.